Key Case Davis Trencher Parts to Check for A Proper Maintenance

Key Case Davis Trencher Parts to Check for A Proper Maintenance

Having a good trench digging machine is one thing and having it produce good output is another thing altogether. There are numerous factors that you need to look out for apart from just fueling the equipment. The quality of the wear parts is one thing that you need to look out for. If you have a Case Davis trencher, one of the reputable brands on the market, the quality of the wear parts is crucial. But which Case Davis trencher parts should you pay more attention to? Well, here are some of the elements that could determine the performance of your equipment.

Trencher Chain Assembly

The chain assembly is a combination of various cutting parts that do the actual cutting work. Among the Case Davis trencher parts in this assembly include the long chain that also comes with various cutting parts that such cup cutter teeth, carbide bits and tube spacers amongst others. If your machine is to deliver excellent performance, then you have to make sure that chain assembly is in good shape. Otherwise, you will not only have a problem with the output but also costly maintenance.

Trencher Sprockets

The sprockets form a crucial part of the trenching machine. These are the key parts that help in transferring the power within the machine from the motor to the actual cutting parts. There are different types of sprockets depending on the kind of work that you are doing or the kind of machine you have. There are drive sprocket, auger sprocket, plate drive sprocket, idler sprocket and track drive sprocket. You must ensure that these sprockets are in good conditions always or you will have a problem with maintenance.


Well, these are some of the most ignored Case Davis trencher parts, but they are very crucial when it comes to the performance of the machine. It is also important to mention that the quality of the rollers greatly determines the efficient and the output of your milling machine. You need to have them checked regularly for the smooth running of the machine. If a replacement is necessary, make sure that you have gotten the best quality from Case Davis company.

Trencher Bearing

Bearing are very crucial for the efficiency of the Case Davis trencher. They are the parts of the machine ensures a smooth running of the machine also and more so reducing the rate of wear and tear of the moving parts of the trenching machine. They need to be greased regularly and be replaced when necessary.

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